Student Polices -Professional Program

11.0 Product Evidencing and Food Tasting 11.1 All student groups are required to formally present their food products, upon full completion of the preparation process. Food presentation although a creative process should however conform to the industry techniques & norms, as advised / shown by the trainer in the class. 11.2 Please ensure that your final product presentation is not disturbed in any way, until the photo evidencing process is complete. 11.3 Students are required to taste & eat the food products prepared, so as to help get a clear understanding of the same in all respects. E orts should be made to appreciate & emulate products that are well prepared and presented in the class. 11.4 Food prepared must not to be taken out of the premises, unless authorized and packed under the supervision of the class trainer. This is important on account of Food Safety Compliance issues & regulations. 11.5 ICCA will not be responsible or held liable for any handling, storage & consumption of food products outside its premises. 12.0 Course Assessment: 12.1 Competency-based Training and Assessment: All training delivered in the qualification o ered at International Centre for Culinary Arts, (ICCA Dubai / Abu Dhabi), are competency-based. Competency -based training refers to training which develops the skills, knowledge and attitude required for professional qualification / industry employment. The qualifications are designed to provide students with specific competencies, which meet industry standards. Each unit of competency has a number of elements. Elements are statements, which outline the competencies which the student must achieve through their studies. Elements are based on standards set by the relevant industry. Competency-based assessment: Competency-based assessment is the process of obtaining evidence about a student's performance and making judgments on that evidence against prescribed standards of performance. • Criterion based: Students are not in competition with their peers but are assessed against standard criteria or benchmarks. The criteria are competency standards, learning outcomes and other performance outcomes outlined in the relevant training package. • Evidence based: Whether a student is competent, is based upon evidence provided by him/her. The evidence may be demonstrated or produced by the student or gathered by the teacher/assessor. • Participatory: Students are encouraged to be involved in the process of assessment. Teachers / assessors will discuss the rationale behind the outcome of the practical assessment activities. Every student must provide evidence of competence in all units in the course qualification they are undertaking. Competence relates to the ability to perform tasks and duties to the standards expected in employment. Cue Card for Practical Assessment: Students are allowed to use Cue Cards for their assessment, wherein they can list all the ingredients etc. for the practical assessment, but not the methods or procedure involved in preparation. Assessment outcomes and future options: The following codes are used for assessment: C or NYC Student Signature : 06 ICCA / SPP / V7.1 / 05 / 2023