Student Polices -Professional Program

17.0 Grievance Resolution: ICCA has policies and procedures in place for the hearing of student di culties and grievances. 17.1 All student batches are assigned with an Instructor In Charge of class, who is responsible for smooth operations and will also be the first point of contact for redressal. 17.2 The student refers the complaint/ grievance in writing to the designated class Instructor In Charge, who will make all e orts to address the issue. 17.3 If redressal is beyond the authority of the Instructor In Charge, the complaint is then forwarded to the Director of Courses, who in turn o ers the student an opportunity to personally present his/her case. 17.4 The Director of Courses in consultation with the Chef Instructors and the Principal Administrator will process a written statement of the resolution including the reasons for the decision. 17.5 This statement of resolution will be presented to the student. 17.6 Emphasis will be given to timely intervention and constructive resolution of grievances. 17.7 ICCA as a matter of policy will at all times work towards impartial resolution of grievances keeping the student’s best interest in mind. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, an independent dispute resolution can be availed, under the jurisdiction of Dubai, UAE laws and agree that damages are limited exclusively to a refund of the course fee for the course selected and that they are entitled to no other consequential, incidental or punitive damages. 18.0 Privacy Policy: 18.1 ICCA acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals. 18.2 We collect personal information from you for the purpose of processing your application to enroll you in our course and to provide services to you. 18.3 We may have obligations to provide information to certain government departments. 18.4 Provision of personal information is voluntary, but if it is not provided, we will be unable to process your application. 18.5 You have a right to access and alter your personal information. 19.0 Class Conduct, Compliance, Termination & Rights: 19.1 Students must diligently attend the course program, complete all course assessments and follow the Professional Program - Procedures & Policies. 19.2 ICCA reserves the right to expel a student for serious breach of discipline. Upon which the course fee will not be refunded. 19.3 As part of continuous development and quality delivery, ICCA reserves all rights to amend the course content, course cost, schedules and procedures & policies. 20.0 Miscellaneous 20.1 Students are required to take care of their personal belongings & valuables. ICCA will not be responsible or liable for any loss thereof, in any way or manner. Student Signature : Date : Student Name : 10 ICCA / SPP / V7.1 / 05 / 2023 Campus: Dubai Abu Dhabi