Student Polices -Professional Program

1.0 Course Validity, Attendance & Class Timings: 1.1 Professional Diploma program can be completed within a time span of 24 months from the date of registration. Those who discontinue from regular full-time batches can only complete the program along with the Weekend (Saturday) batch. 1.2 Completion of Diploma program after two (2) years from the date of registration to three (3) years will incur re-registration fee as applicable. After three (3) years registration into the program as a new candidate is required. 1.3 A minimum attendance of 80% is mandatory and attendance is marked for all class sessions. 1.4 Friday is the weekly day o . However, the same may be subject to change to another day of the course program, if necessary. 1.5 The normal class timings for the Professional Program are 07.30 am to 05.30 pm and Weekend Program on Saturday at 10.00 AM to 06.00 PM with breaks included. 2.0 Student Grooming Standards: 2.1 Hair must be neatly groomed. 22 Complete uniform (trouser, jacket, black socks and chef shoes) must be worn at all times in the school. 2.3 Uniform must be clean and ironed on all days. 2.4 Only CLEAN black chef shoes & black socks are allowed. 2.5 Fragrances should be used lightly. 2.6 Hands should be clean; fingernails should be trimmed and no nail polishes. 2.7 No watches, finger rings or bracelets to be worn during the practical classes. Ladies: 2.8 Shoulder length or longer hair must be tied away from the face 2.9 Jewellery - One pair of small sized earrings are permitted. Gentlemen: 2.10 Must be clean shaven 2.11 Hair to be well trimmed (should not touch ear lobes, should not touch collar). 2.12 No jewellery allowed. 3.0 Student Classroom Entry Requirements for Theory Classes: This information is designed to assist students in theoretical classes, to maintain proper conduct, decorum and learn in an e cient manner. 3.1 Punctuality - assemble five minutes before commencement of class. 3.2 Full uniform to be worn. 3.3 Bring PCs/ tablets and class notes as required by the class time table. 3.4 Theory classes require full attention, students disturbing may be asked to leave the class. 3.5 No Food & Drink are permitted inside the classroom. 3.6 Bags & personal belongings should be properly stored under your chair. 3.7 All chairs must be arranged in proper order while leaving the classroom. 4.0 Student Kitchen Entry Requirements for Practical Classes: This information is designed to assist students in practical classes, maintain proper hygiene and work in an e cient manner. 4.1 Punctuality - assemble five minutes before commencement of class. 4.2 Full uniform (trouser, jacket, black socks and chef shoes) to be worn along with cap and apron. 4.3 No watches or jewellery to be worn in the kitchen. 4.4 Male students must be clean shaven. Procedures & Policies Student Guide Student Signature : 03 ICCA / SPP / V7.1 / 05 / 2023

4.5 Hair must be covered with a hair net. 4.6 Hands must be washed before entering the kitchen and whenever necessary during operations. 4.7 Tools must be clean and in line with the class requirements. 5.0 Student Etiquette & Conduct: 5.1 Students are expected to exercise restraint under all circumstances and not get into arguments or fights of any kind or manner. 5.2 It is important that all cultures & customs are respected and refrain from using any kind of abusive or hurtful language / gestures against fellow students. 5.3 As respect and courtesy to all nationalities & cultures, students are requested to speak in a language common to all. 5.4 Students are requested not to make noise or speak loudly within the premises, so as to not disturb other classes 5.5 Students are required to take care of their personal belongings & valuables. ICCA will not be responsible or liable for any loss thereof, in any way or manner. 6.0 Student use of Mobile Phone and Media: 6.1 Mobile Phones have to be turned o / put in silent mode when the class starts – Theory & Practical. 6.2 Use of mobile phones during assessments are not allowed, however, students are encouraged to use dictionaries for finding meanings/translations. 6.3 Students are free to take photographs of the products made for evidencing purposes and personal use. 6.4 Photograph of the class and events, can be taken with individuals or groups prior consent. 6.5 The photographs of the class activities and events etc. are all regularly posted the o cial ICCA Facebook page. 6.6 Students are encouraged to use the o cial ICCA social networking media to share the class photos and videos etc. 6.7 Photography / video either amateur or professional of the ICCA infrastructure & facilities and equipment’s etc. is not permitted, unless pre authorized and confirmed in writing. 6.8 Permission for photography & video of the ICCA facilities can be obtained upon submitting a clear document of purpose and the same is subject to approval. 6.9 Any and all materials including photographs and videos during the training session may be used for advertising and/or marketing purpose . Your presence at the venue shall be deemed your consent to appear in such material and to use such material in which you might appear without compensation. Should you not wish to appear in this material please inform us prior to enrollment. 7.0 Safety with Knives 7.1 Always use the right knife for the job. 7.2 When using a knife, Always keep your mind and eye on the job at hand. 7.3 Never cut towards any part of your body. 7.4 Never cut food in your hand. 7.5 When carrying a knife, always hold knives with the tip to the floor and never walk with the knives pointed horizontally! 7.6 Keep knives sharp, a blunt knife is harder to use, means more risk of slipping and hurting yourself. 7.7 Never run fingers along a blade edge to check sharpness. 7.8 When storing knives on a work bench, always keep blade edge facing away from you. 7.9 Never let a knife hang over the edge of a work surface. 7.10 Never try to catch a falling knife. Student Signature : 04 ICCA / SPP / V7.1 / 05 / 2023

7.11 Never “hide” a knife under anything e.g., tea towel, bunch of spinach, etc. 7.12 Never leave a knife in a sink. 7.13 Never hand a knife to anyone, always place it on the bench and let them pick it up. 7.14 Beware when putting hands in tool box/drawers. Always store knives with blades and tips in same direction. 7.15 For safety of food/cross contamination (Never use the same knife for two di erent jobs (without cleaning properly). 8.0 Practical class Production Information: This information is designed to assist students in practical classes, to work in an e cient and timely manner to produce a high standard of quality work. 8.1 Wash / sanitize bench area, set up knives / chopping board. 8.2 Read the recipe (twice), make notes understand the technical process, ask your teacher questions! 8.3 Collect all your required ingredients and refrigerate high risk items at all times until ready for use (including garnish). 8.4 Collect all small equipment, service ware and turn on required appliances (e.g., Ovens etc.). 8.5 Start to prepare ingredients and begin the cooking process starting with the items that require the most time to prepare. 8.6 Work cleans at all times, work into a bowl or on a cutting board, not on to your bench. Keep your stock vegetables, scraps and preparation separate at all times. 8.7 It is important to keep all your work covered and labeled when required. 8.8 Class demonstration requires full attention, students disturbing may be asked to leave the class. 8.9 Work as a team, individual units in pairs of two (partners subject to change & not of choice), communicate well and work safely. 8.10 All consumables such as sanitizers, paper rolls etc. to be judiciously used and not to be wasted. 8.11 All dirty dishes to be neatly stacked on the trolley and thereafter washed, dried and placed back in to the respective shelves. 8.12 All students are required to responsibly conduct all the opening & closing activities, keep kitchen thoroughly clean and properly arranged in the manner prescribed for the next class. 9.0 Breakages, Damages & Losses: All breakages, damages & losses will be charged in actual, to the student(s) / student group concerned. 10. Opening & Closing Activities: These activities are specially designed to simulate the industry work environment, help students to develop leadership skills and become responsible & accountable, thus enabling them to seamlessly integrate and e ectively deliver in the work environment. 10.1 Opening activities: i. Briefing by Student Chef of the day. ii. Inventory control. iii. Chiller tagging. iv. Daily maintenance activities. 10.2 Closing Activities: i. Inventory control. ii. Chiller tagging. iii. Arrangement of all crockery, cutlery and small equipment’s. iv. Thorough cleaning of all preparation & cooking tables, kitchen & wash area floor (sweeping & mopping). v. Report submission by Student Chef of the Day. Detailed SOP guidelines are available for the above and same will be explained by the trainer in-charge. The opening & closing activities are mandatory for all professional program students. Student Signature : 05 ICCA / SPP / V7.1 / 05 / 2023

11.0 Product Evidencing and Food Tasting 11.1 All student groups are required to formally present their food products, upon full completion of the preparation process. Food presentation although a creative process should however conform to the industry techniques & norms, as advised / shown by the trainer in the class. 11.2 Please ensure that your final product presentation is not disturbed in any way, until the photo evidencing process is complete. 11.3 Students are required to taste & eat the food products prepared, so as to help get a clear understanding of the same in all respects. E orts should be made to appreciate & emulate products that are well prepared and presented in the class. 11.4 Food prepared must not to be taken out of the premises, unless authorized and packed under the supervision of the class trainer. This is important on account of Food Safety Compliance issues & regulations. 11.5 ICCA will not be responsible or held liable for any handling, storage & consumption of food products outside its premises. 12.0 Course Assessment: 12.1 Competency-based Training and Assessment: All training delivered in the qualification o ered at International Centre for Culinary Arts, (ICCA Dubai / Abu Dhabi), are competency-based. Competency -based training refers to training which develops the skills, knowledge and attitude required for professional qualification / industry employment. The qualifications are designed to provide students with specific competencies, which meet industry standards. Each unit of competency has a number of elements. Elements are statements, which outline the competencies which the student must achieve through their studies. Elements are based on standards set by the relevant industry. Competency-based assessment: Competency-based assessment is the process of obtaining evidence about a student's performance and making judgments on that evidence against prescribed standards of performance. • Criterion based: Students are not in competition with their peers but are assessed against standard criteria or benchmarks. The criteria are competency standards, learning outcomes and other performance outcomes outlined in the relevant training package. • Evidence based: Whether a student is competent, is based upon evidence provided by him/her. The evidence may be demonstrated or produced by the student or gathered by the teacher/assessor. • Participatory: Students are encouraged to be involved in the process of assessment. Teachers / assessors will discuss the rationale behind the outcome of the practical assessment activities. Every student must provide evidence of competence in all units in the course qualification they are undertaking. Competence relates to the ability to perform tasks and duties to the standards expected in employment. Cue Card for Practical Assessment: Students are allowed to use Cue Cards for their assessment, wherein they can list all the ingredients etc. for the practical assessment, but not the methods or procedure involved in preparation. Assessment outcomes and future options: The following codes are used for assessment: C or NYC Student Signature : 06 ICCA / SPP / V7.1 / 05 / 2023

C = Competent = 60% and above NYC = Not Yet Competent = below 60% Students are given feedback on their performance against competencies by their assessor, and if they have been found not competent in that assessment activity, they are advised as to their future options including taking action to address skill gaps and presenting evidence of competency within a reasonable time frame. Feedback is also given by the assessor on where improvements can be made. Students may undertake further learning and resubmit supplementary assessment tasks and assignments until such time as they receive a result of C (competent). This means that it may not be necessary for them to repeat lectures. Re-assessment: If a student receives a 'Not Yet Competent' in a specific unit, he/she will have to contact the assessor (teacher)/ front o ce and make arrangements to re-sit the assessment. Re-assessments can be repeated for a specific module/subject within the period of enrollment and the fee for the re-assessments are as follows: a. Theoretical re-assessment - First attempt AED 50, Second attempt AED 100. b. Practical re-assessment - First attempt AED 100, Second attempt AED 200. c. After re-assessment the student will only be awarded the pass mark for Fair Practice. Note: Assessment (theoretical & practical) not attempted on the scheduled dates will be considered as re-assessments. Re-assessment fee after course end date : a. Theoretical re-assessment - First attempt AED 100, Second attempt AED 200. b. Practical re-assessment - First attempt AED 200, Second attempt AED 300. Note: The above reassessment regulations have been put into place to encourage students to study, attain maximum marks, complete the course & assessments within the stipulated time frame and avoid back logs. Assessment Redressal Procedure: If for any reason a Candidate does not agree with an Assessor's or Internal Verifiers decision of an assessment then they have the right to Appeal. Procedure: The procedure for making an appeal against an assessment or verification decision is detailed below: The Candidate: Stage 1: 1. Must discuss the issue with the concerned assessor at ICCA Dubai, within 2 days of being notified of the assessment decision. 2. The internal assessors are as listed below: ICCA Dubai Campus - Chef Instructors - Chef Sergio Antero Caires Freitas, Chef Hartono Julianto, Chef Michelle Tredoux, Chef Omkar Padwal, Chef Oluwole Samuel Momoh, Chef Leonardo Luza Lillo. ICCA Abu Dhabi Campus - Chef Instructors - Chef Bilal Louna, Chef Durgesh Dabral, Chef Rene Cerda, Chef Ayoub Bouhamidi, Student Signature : 07 ICCA / SPP / V7.1 / 05 / 2023

3. If one of the assessors assesses the candidate, then the candidate may select another assessor from the list above. 4. The assessor will acknowledge receipt of an appeal within 2 working days of receiving the appeal. If Unresolved: Stage 2: 1. The candidate’s appeal must be sent to the Assessment Manager. This appeal must be in writing and be within 2 working days of the assessor’s response to the appeal. The Assessment Manager Dubai Campus - Ms. Shanaaz, Director of Courses Abu Dhabi Campus - Chef Francisco Araya, Centre Director: 1. Will attempt to find a solution with the Candidate and the Assessor. If still Unresolved: The Assessment Manager: Stage 3: 1. Will set a date for the appeal to be considered by an appeals panel. 2. Convene an objective and independent Appeals Panel of at least 2 people not involved in the original assessment or verification decisions. 3. Inform the Candidate in writing of the decision of the Appeals Panel within 2 working days of the panel meeting. 13.0 Course Certifications: The following Certificates are obtained upon successful completion of all internal theoretical & practical examinations, conducted by the ICCA. i. The ICCA Certificate and Transcripts ii. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA), Government of Dubai, UAE attested Certificate of Completion with online verification iii. City & Guilds, UK Certification: This certification is obtained upon successful completion of the External - International Examination conducted by City & Guilds, UK. The City & Guilds international examinations are conducted online at ICCA upon completion of the course. The City & Guilds certificate will be made available 6 to 10 weeks from the date of examination. Collection of Certificates & Transcripts: Students are required to pre-confirm the availability of the certificates for collection by phone or email. a. In Person: i. The original of all certificates & transcripts can be collected in person by the student from the Front O ce. b. Collection of certificates in absentia: i. An authorized representative of the student can be nominated to collect the certificates. ii. Certificates can also be couriered upon receipt of written request and payment of courier charges in actual. ICCA will not be responsible for any kind of loss or damage in courier / mail handling. Student Signature : 08 ICCA / SPP / V7.1 / 05 / 2023

Issuance of Duplicate Certificate: a. Diploma in Hospitality (Commercial Cookery) Certificate duplicate will be made available upon written request and payment of reissuance fee as may be applicable. b. City & Guilds IVQ Level 2 - Diploma in Food Preparation & Culinary Arts/ Patisserie (8064 - 01/ 02) City & Guilds UK duplicate certificate may be obtained directly from City & Guilds UK, upon submission of the original student registration number and applicable fee. 14.0 Industry Internship / Work Experience Placement: ICCA - Industry Internship / Work Experience Placement (IWEP) Program: The Industry Internship / Work Experience Placement follows the intensive on-campus guided learning and training. This program provides student chefs with valuable "hands-on" exposure in the industry working environment by way of a paid work experience placement. Here the student chefs can apply their knowledge & skills gained in the training. Such industrial work experiences help increase a student chef’s further skilled employment & other international opportunities. Note: The IWEP program is optional and not mandatory for the Diploma Qualification. Option for the IWEP Program is required to be made right at the beginning of the course program. WEP is only for those who fully qualify to the prescribed course entry requirements. IThe IWEP Training & Support includes - Employability Training, Interview Preparation, Personality Development - Grooming, Poise and Industry Attitude Development, Confidence Building Activities, Technical Knowledge Reinforcement, Trade Test Practice, Industry Trade Test and Work Placement Process Support. The IWEP process and work placement positions are subject to the successful completion of the course program, aptitude, attitude, skills set demonstrated by the candidates through the training, at the placement interview & trade tests and clearing the associated age, visa, statutory & medical conditions. 15.0 Student Facilities: Tea & Co ee: 15.1 Students have access to regular Tea & Co ee through the course program within the premises. All Machine Dispensed & Premium Beverages are chargable. 16.0 First Aid, Fire Safety & Evacuation: 16.1 In case of Minor Injuries use the First Aid facility provided in the wash area. 16.2 In case of Major Injuries, accidents or serious health issues, inform the nearest trainer / sta member and Call Emergency (999) for Ambulance. 16.3 In case of strong smell of Gas, immediately Switch O the gas supply using the Emergency Gas Kill Knob, inform others and if necessary vacate the area. Under NO circumstances, put on any switch or electrical appliances. 16.4 In case of Fire, immediately raise an alarm, inform others and evacuate in an orderly manner. Assemble outside the building and Call Civil Defence (997) for assistance. 16.5 Fire Assembly Point - Outside the main entrance of the building and stand a minimum of 20 feet away from the building. Student Signature : 09 ICCA / SPP / V7.1 / 05 / 2023

17.0 Grievance Resolution: ICCA has policies and procedures in place for the hearing of student di culties and grievances. 17.1 All student batches are assigned with an Instructor In Charge of class, who is responsible for smooth operations and will also be the first point of contact for redressal. 17.2 The student refers the complaint/ grievance in writing to the designated class Instructor In Charge, who will make all e orts to address the issue. 17.3 If redressal is beyond the authority of the Instructor In Charge, the complaint is then forwarded to the Director of Courses, who in turn o ers the student an opportunity to personally present his/her case. 17.4 The Director of Courses in consultation with the Chef Instructors and the Principal Administrator will process a written statement of the resolution including the reasons for the decision. 17.5 This statement of resolution will be presented to the student. 17.6 Emphasis will be given to timely intervention and constructive resolution of grievances. 17.7 ICCA as a matter of policy will at all times work towards impartial resolution of grievances keeping the student’s best interest in mind. If you are not satisfied with the outcome, an independent dispute resolution can be availed, under the jurisdiction of Dubai, UAE laws and agree that damages are limited exclusively to a refund of the course fee for the course selected and that they are entitled to no other consequential, incidental or punitive damages. 18.0 Privacy Policy: 18.1 ICCA acknowledges and respects the privacy of individuals. 18.2 We collect personal information from you for the purpose of processing your application to enroll you in our course and to provide services to you. 18.3 We may have obligations to provide information to certain government departments. 18.4 Provision of personal information is voluntary, but if it is not provided, we will be unable to process your application. 18.5 You have a right to access and alter your personal information. 19.0 Class Conduct, Compliance, Termination & Rights: 19.1 Students must diligently attend the course program, complete all course assessments and follow the Professional Program - Procedures & Policies. 19.2 ICCA reserves the right to expel a student for serious breach of discipline. Upon which the course fee will not be refunded. 19.3 As part of continuous development and quality delivery, ICCA reserves all rights to amend the course content, course cost, schedules and procedures & policies. 20.0 Miscellaneous 20.1 Students are required to take care of their personal belongings & valuables. ICCA will not be responsible or liable for any loss thereof, in any way or manner. Student Signature : Date : Student Name : 10 ICCA / SPP / V7.1 / 05 / 2023 Campus: Dubai Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi Campus Villa 10 | Plaza 30 | Skh Fatima Bint Mubarak St | Abu Dhabi, UAE Tel No. +971 2 694 89 99 Email: [email protected] | Toll Free No: 800 - ICCAAD Dubai Campus Block 8 | First Floor | Dubai Knowledge Park | Dubai, UAE Tel No. +971 4 457 8811 | Fax No. +971 4 457 8822 Email: [email protected] | WhatsApp No.: +971 58 977 5387 | Toll Free No: 800 - CULINARY WORLD ASSOCIATION OF CHEFS SOCIETIES