2019 ICCA Scholarship Book - Print

The City & Guilds IVQ Examination, Worldchef Certification and National Recognition of International Qualifications City & Guilds International Vocational Qualification (IVQ) International Examination is the Final External Assessment for the students of the Program, to help them get assessed to International Standards and are independent of the several Internal Theory & Practical Exams conducted through the Course Program. City & Guilds, Accreditation & International Vocational Qualification(IVQ) are recognized as a Sign of Quality in over a hundred countries around the world and helps increase a candidates value proposition and competitiveness within the Global Market. Graduates of the program are automatically Worldchefs - Commis Chef Certified, under the Worldchefs Global Certification Scheme. The said Certification is designed to make a difference by offering a Common Set of Standards which can be used as an International Benchmark for Recruitment and also support further Career Progression. The City & Guilds, IVQ Qualifications have also received a Recognition of International Qualifications by the Government of UAE, as part of their initiative to boost the Emirates for Foreign Vocational Qualifications. Together with the National Qualifications Authority (NQA), Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) provides this service for recognizing professional and applied education across different levels. The said recognition provides validation for both employers and graduates. This service helps further develop the UAE’s status as an international centre for education and vocational Greater Effort and a Greater Reward The scholarship program is meant to strengthen the chefs as professionals, teaching them the fundamental and advanced know-how of Culinary Arts in an application focused way, to give them the capabilities and proficiency to perform better. It has been immensely satisfying to see them grow through the course and having an enhanced understanding of classical cooking techniques, as those selected lacked formal education in the field. Equally rewarding, especially since there were two cohorts to manage, is to see the results as the new graduates are now ready to take up greater responsibilities, propelling them to a new level of professional growth. We wish them a good and fulfilling career ahead! Shanaaz Raja Course Director & Coordinator ICCA Dubai Culinary Scholarship One victory could be a stroke of good luck; two triumphs could be a coincidence; the third and fourth batches together, seeing their successful completion, is a result of a methodical and systematic approach, which is the very essence of what we do at the ICCA Dubai. Having doubled the cohort of candidates this time on for the Scholarship Program, meant double the efforts to make sure that each one of the chefs enrolled in the program emerged a winner!