ICCA Dubai Prospectus - Pizza - August 2021
c. The course start date is deferred or the course is cancelled due to unforeseeable events or unavoidable circumstances, such as Acts of God and not limited to natural disasters, epidemics or pandemics, war, fire, among others, and directives issued by UAE Governing bodies. d. The Course or Course Fees are not transferrable. 4. Cancellation of Class / Change of Date 4.1 Enrolled students should inform ICCA Dubai a minimum of 72 hours in advance via e-mail, phone call or SMS (text message) if they want to cancel a class or request for the change of date for a class. If formal intimation is not received within 72 hours of a scheduled class, the student shall be considered Absent or No Show for the class, resulting in the class being automatically cancelled and all class fees forfeited in full. 5. Course Program and Class Plans 5.1 Menu plans of one Course program are not interchangeable with the Menu plans of another Course Program. In short, any kind of combination of course plans or activities is not permissible. 5.2 Items listed within a class plan menu are not changeable. 6. Validity of Course Programs: 6.1 The ICCA Dubai Artisanal course registration is valid for a time span of 3 months from the date of registration. All classes must be completed well within the given period, beyond which the program would be considered cancelled and all fees thereof forfeited. 7. Standard Operating Procedures, Class Schedules, Code of Conduct and Rights: 7.1 Students are requested to read the Artisanal Courses – Procedures and Policies, provided upon request at the time of Enrolment. 7.2 Kindly adhere to the class time schedules. 7.3 It is important that a student or students of a group do not disturb the other classes around in any manner. 7.4 Students are required to assist with post-class clean-up and wash-up. 7.5 Food packed and taken out of ICCA Dubai premises is at the students’ risk for Food Safety purposes. 21 ICCA / PM / V5.1 / 08 / 2021
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