Prospectus - Home Kitchen Skills

Pasta is noodles of di erent shapes made from unleavened dough of durum wheat flour and can also be made with flour from other cereals or grains. Pasta has become one of the most loved dish around the world, as it is a ordable, easy to prepare, versatile food and can be served as an appetizer, salad, starter, main course or even as a dessert. You will learn: Cannelloni w/- Spinach and Ricotta The Cannelloni with Ricotta and Spinach have four di erent elements in the dish - First is the béchamel sauce that gives a creamy texture to the dish. Second, the Pomodoro sauce that gives a fresh tangy flavour. Third being the Spinach and Ricotta filling which serves as the body of dish. And lastly, the Cannelloni that becomes the base and holds all the elements together. Fusilli with Chicken in Pesto Sauce The corkscrew-shape of the Fusilli holds the Pesto sauce well and adding chicken to this pasta gives an element of nutrition to become complete and wholesome, thus making it a perfect main course. Vegetables Vegetables are part of our daily life with its everyday usage and eaten in a variety of ways, either raw or cooked. They play an important role in nutrition, as most vegetables are low in fat and calories but at the same time, bulky and filling. You will learn: Thai Green Curry This delicate and well spiced curry, rich in coconut milk works well with the acidity of the lime and chunky vegetables, while the garnish of coriander and the Thai basil leaves add extra flavour. Stir Fried Vegetable Noodles A vegetable stir fry noodle dish is a complete and wholesome dish that is full of flavour and cooks the vegetables to just the right texture. It is a quick and easy dish that helps make sure you are eating a variety of di erent vegetables. Pasta 23 ICCA / HKS / V2.0 / 04 / 2023