My Food Story Magazine

—My food story August —’24— 11 farmers who grow the corn and soybeans for feed, the producers that raise the birds, the cold storage facilities that house the product, to the freight forwarders that send it to other markets, the shipping lines that get it there, and for everyone else in between, the organization provides customized assistance, networking opportunities, and resources to assist these constituents at every step in the process. The USA Poultry and Egg Export Council (USAPEEC) is an industry-sponsored trade association dedicated to increasing exports of American poultry and egg products to foreign markets through marketing, trade policy, and technical programs. The council comprises a network of 16 international offices and consultants implementing programs in more than 75 countries. Although USAPEEC has traditionally focused on international marketing efforts, the Council has evolved into an association that is an advocate for the industry on trade and policy issues. USAPEEC’s mission is to increase American poultry and egg exports by opening and developing markets globally and serving as the industry’s voice on trade issues. The council does this by serving as a link between the industry and the government, acting as a liaison between exporters and importers, and representing the American poultry industry. Exports accounted for less than 4 percent of the industry’s production 30 years ago. Today, it is 17 percent, and industry exports reach 120 markets. The value of American poultry and egg exports since the organization was formed 39 years ago has reached $113 billion. USAPEEC does not lobby but acts as an intermediary with the United States Department of Agriculture in Washington, DC, and at embassies and Agricultural Trade Offices around the world. The organization works to eliminate technical barriers to trade through its representation in the International Poultry Council and with various international bodies such as the World Organization for Animal Health and the Codex Alimentarius Commission. The organization advocates for U.S. poultry and egg products as a source of nutritious and affordable protein. The council does this by developing marketing materials, implementing campaigns, and hosting technical seminars and in-store product promotions tailored specifically for each market’s needs. Programs include educational training in food handling and preparation for food service professionals, chefs, and culinary students, technical and food safety courses for local government officials, and cooking demonstrations for consumers, all geared toward touting the supreme quality and nutritional benefits of American poultry and egg products. USAPEEC is the only organization that serves the American poultry and egg industry’s export interests and whose mission is to open new markets and maintain access to current ones. Its members have immediate access to a global information network that provides market intelligence and advocates reducing artificial trade barriers. The council also has a place for organizations along every step of the American poultry and egg export supply chain. From the farmers who grow the corn and soybeans for feed, the producers that raise the birds, the cold storage facilities that house the product, to the freight forwarders that send it to other markets, the shipping lines that get it there, and for everyone else in between, the organization provides customized assistance, networking opportunities, and resources to assist these constituents at every step in the process. Exports accounted for less than 4 percent of the industry’s production 30 years ago. Today, it is 17 percent, and industry exports reach 120 markets. The value of American poultry and egg exports since the organization was formed has reached $113 billion