Pastry - Primary 387 Notes 1. To multiply the recipe, multiply all ingredients proportionately. 2. Can be portioned to individual dishes and made by portion Equipment Measuring scale Measuring spoon set Mixing bowls Whisk Rubber Spatula Saucepan Baking Trays Baking Dish Chef’s Knife White Chopping Board Piping Bag Hand Mixer (whisk attachment) Key Learning Making a warm pudding Yield: 4 – 6 portions Ingredients Method 1. Roll and cut raw puff pastry to 30x30 mm squares and bake at 180˚C for 12-15 minutes or until golden brown. 2. In a saucepan, bring milk to boil, remove from heat and add sugar, vanilla, nuts, raisin, coconut and mix. 3. Add crushed puff pastry and soak for 10 minutes. 4. Mix it well with a hand whisk to smash the larger pieces and pour into a deep dish. 5. Whip the cream and to medium firm peak and pipe evenly on the top. 6. Bake it at 160° C for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown. 7. Decorate with crushed pistachio and serve hot. Umm Ali Baked puff pastry 50 g Sugar 30 g Milk 250 g Almond flakes 20 g Pistachio nibs 20 g Raisin 40 g Desiccated coconut (optional) 10 g Rose water (optional) 2 tsp Cream 80 g